
Nabeel Sulieman

Host Your Own Podcast with PhPodcast


I’ve been using a little PHP script for the past few months to host my own private podcast. So I decided to clean it up a little and share it on GitHub.


A little background: I had some audio files that I wanted to listen through with the ability to increase the speed and pause at any time to continue later. This is everything that most podcast apps do. So I decided to host my own private podcast channel containing the audio files.

PHPodcast is a simple script that creates a podcast RSS feed based on a directory of audio files. You’ll need to modify a config file to your specific setup, but everything you need to edit is clearly marked.

It basically saves you the time of learning how to correctly build and format a podcast RSS feed. Nothing super hard, but doing it from scratch can take a few hours of research, trial and error.

Here’s a live podcast served up using PHPodcast:

